
What's the population of Zimbabwe? The population of Zimbabwe is 13,182,908, which is about 4% of the total United States population. Around 40% of Zimbabwe's population are 14 years old or younger, and the life expectancy is about 54 years old. Compared to America, this is a very young and underdeveloped country, as 20% of Americans are 14 years old or under, and the life expectancy is almost 79 years old.

Where do people live in this country? In Zimbabwe most people live in rural areas, but there is a growing urban population, as 38% live in cities and Zimbabwe has a rate of urbanization at 3.4%. Harare holds the largest population with 1.6 million people living in the city, with the next closest city holding a population of less then half of that. (Bulawayo pop. 660,000). The urban population of Zimbabwe is generally evenly spread out, and with the exception of Harare, cities in Zimbabwe have similar populations across the country.

What type of agriculture do they have and what type of diet do they have? Zimbabwe's agriculture consists of corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, coffee, sugarcane, peanuts, sheep, goat, and pigs. The typical Zimbabwe diet is like that of many African countries, consisting of a porridge called sadza, which is made by mixing cornmeal and water. During special occasions, animals are killed and eaten. Most of the crops grown in Zimbabwe is for export to help support the weak Zimbabwe economy.

Are industry and tourism related to geography and climate? 66% of Zimbabwe's labor force is in agriculture, and the agriculture is heavily dependent on the climate, namely the rainy season. Because the rest of the year is so dry, the rainy season is crucial in keeping Zimbabwe's economy afloat. As for geography, the climate is pretty constant across the country so arable land is of more importance in Zimbabwe. As for tourism, Victoria Falls National Park is a site for tourist to enjoy the beautiful Victoria Falls, Though tourism has been on the decline in recent years.

Are there any notable historical events that add to the climate/culture story? Zimbabwe is a former British colony (known as Rhodesia). After uprisings in the 1960's and 1970's, Zimbabwe finally gained it's independence in 1980 after being treated unfairly by the British government. At this point, Robert Mugabe is elected as prime minister and corruption breaks loose. Through rigged election campaigns, Mugabe is still the only ruler of independent Zimbabwe for the past 30 years. His land redistribution campaign in 2000 led to further economic and political distress, and Zimbabwe is continuing to feel the repercussions of corrupt leadership.


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